Wayne Bennett wrote: > > This is the code that I'm trying to use, its taken straight form the > microchip app. note with little understanding on my part as to what the > table end really is for. > > ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > MESSAGE1 > MOVLW 0 ;TABLE ADDRESS OF START OF MESSAGE > dispmsg1 > MOVWF MSG_TEMP ; MSG_TEMP HOLDS START OF MESSAGE ADDRESS > CALL TABLE1 > ANDLW 0XFF ; CHECK IF AT END OF MESSAGE > BTFSC STATUS,Z ; (ZERO RETURNED AT END) > GOTO out1 > CALL SEND_CHAR ; DISPLAY THE CHARACTER > MOVF MSG_TEMP,W ; POINT TO NEXT CHARACTER > ADDLW 1 > GOTO dispmsg1 > out1 > RETURN > > TABLE1 > ADDWF PCL I see this code have another error too ! What value you load to PCLATH - I don't know . When ADDWF PCL executed PC(HIGH) load from PCLATH (see manual) and probably you jump to wrong page without previously correct PCLATH loading . > RETLW '*' > RETLW '*' > . > . > . > TABLE_END > RETLW 0 > > ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > MESSAGE2 > MOVLW 0 ;TABLE ADDRESS OF START OF MESSAGE > dispmsg2 > MOVWF MSG_TEMP ; MSG_TEMP HOLDS START OF MESSAGE ADDRESS > CALL TABLE2 > ANDLW 0XFF ; CHECK IF AT END OF MESSAGE > BTFSC STATUS,Z ; (ZERO RETURNED AT END) > GOTO out2 > CALL SEND_CHAR ; DISPLAY THE CHARACTER > MOVF MSG_TEMP,W ; POINT TO NEXT CHARACTER > ADDLW 1 > GOTO dispmsg2 > out2 > RETURN > > TABLE2 > ADDWF PCL The same error situation as described above . > RETLW '*' > RETLW '*' > . > . > . > > TABLE_END > RETLW 0 > ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > The error is stated as: > > "ADDRESS LABEL DUPLICATED OR DIFFERENT IN SECOND PASS (TABLE_END)" > > Hope this makes it easier to identify the problem. > > Thanks > _/ _/ _/_/_/_/ > _/ _/ _/ _/ > _/ _/ _/ _/ > _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/_/ > _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ > _/_/ _/_/ _/ _/ > _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/_/ > > Wayne Bennett > Griffith University > Brisbane Australia > w.bennett@sct.gu.edu.au This message mean that label was dublicated. Change first label to TABLE1_END and second label to TABLE2_END . WBR Dmitry.