At 09:18 AM 5/30/97 -0400, you wrote: >>> Exactly! If the die is smaller, allow more erase time. >>> >> >>The die is actually smaller, but (this might be a stupid question) why >>would a smaller die take longer to erase? If the floating gates are >>smaller, then less charge will be on them and then it would take less >>time to remove it...? > >The percentage of area the Metal layers over the cells is actually greater >as the Si gets smaller (ie as the Silicon shrinks, the metalization layers >don't necessarily shrink at the same rate). > >This is a common problem with EPROMs as they get more dense. > >myke Thanks Mike, I didn't actually know the reason why myself, only that smaller die means longer erase time. You really got me out of the pooh on this one! BTW. Look forward to your book coming out. Just make sure we can get it in Australia! Regards, Jim