> Hi everyone, I am a novice currently hacking around with the 16C84 and need to interface it as a master to an SPI device operating as a slave. Although Microchip advertises that they sell SPI eeproms (e.g.25LC010) there does not seem to be an app-note available on their site concerning how to emulate the SPI protocol in software on PICS which do not have dedicated hardware SPI capability. Is there such an app-note? I can't be the only one who has ever thought of doing this. Either I've missed something or I just don't get it. (Hey, it wouldn't be the first time!) So, has somebody out there written code to do this on the 16C84? Could somebody show me an example of how to do it? I'm not afraid of trying to do it myself but I hate reinventing the wheel unnecessarily. Any tips ot pointers anyone might have would be appreciated. --regards, Bill