FROM: M.A. Predko, (416)448-4793, Tie Line 778-4793, FAX x5998 Advisory Engineer - OEM Test Engineering System Board and Advanced Systems Business Units Subject: NYT Article on Spams Hi Folks, This came over the news system as work. I thought it might be of interest: Subject: "On Information Highway, E-Mail Litter Problem Grows" Source: NYT, 5/26/97, pg 1, George Johnson The exponential growth of spam, or unsolicited mass E-mail, has spawned several counter-measures including the introduction of bills in Congress. o Jason Lavoie, Maine Internetworks network mgr, was burned recently - the network manager was roused from bed to find a flood of E-mail - they had been used as a 'relay' by a mass mailer (Master Graphics) - incurring wrath by recipients who thought the ISP was the originator . ISP = Internet Service Provider "It costs us bandwidth and system resources, and it costs my time to respond to the complaints. What the sender really is doing is shifting the cost of junk E_mail to the end-user rather than the sender" o 'what was a trickle has become a torrent' resulting in proposals - the Federal Trade Commission will hold a hearing next month - two anti-spam bills were introduced in Congress last week . one would extend the existing law against junk faxes - some ISPs try to use filters to block mail from spammers, but... the junk mailers keep changing their addresses, like a mutant virus . plus, the effort to block E-mail uses a lot of computer resource - at least one ISP (Earthlink) won an injunction against CyperPromo - a band of Internet users hacked CyperPromo this month . but the success was short-lived, they were back the next day o what the spammers send out is not without little ironies - one spammed the spammers with an ad on how to fake origin addresses - CyberPromo sent an ad for a product to block their own spam - CyberPromo (and, their ISP) say they provide value but they are also collecting names of people who say they want the mail "That's Plan B. When and if a law says we can't do Plan A - sending unsolicited E-mail - then we will be prepared" Sanford Wallace myke Michael Predko "Caution: Cape does not enable user to fly." - Batman costume warning label, Wal-Mart, 1995