Hello, I've been trying to access Dr. Cheung's Web page that was posted yesterday. The web address below works fine, but this does not seem to be his main site. When click on the link that seems to be the main site I get a message that says: Too many users There are too many connected users. Please try again later. Has anyone else had any luck connecting to this site? Is it down or is it just really busy since it was posted to the PIC List? Thanks, Eric Thompson >---------- >From: Preston S Gabel[SMTP:prestong@MDHOST.CSE.TEK.COM] >Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 1997 2:22 PM >To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU >Subject: Re: X10 on PICs? > >On Wed, 28 May 1997, Andy Burgess wrote: > > > >For Dr. Cheungs current information and projects you might try the >following web page: > >http://members.tripod.com/~edward_cheung/ > >I know Dr. Cheung continues to work on X-10 and PIC related hardware. >Hope this helps! > > >Best Regards, > >Preston Gabel > >:-----------------------------------------------------------------------: >: The views expressed herein are mine and not necessarily my employer's : >:-----------------------------------------------------------------------: >: Preston S. Gabel Email: Preston.S.Gabel@Tek.Com : >: Tektronix, Inc : >: PO Box 500 (m/s 39-527) Voice: 503 627-4605 : >: Beaverton, OR 97077 FAX: 503 627-1388 : >:-----------------------------------------------------------------------: >