It could be that the UV light output of the lamp has dropped. This is normal and it depends on how much you use the eraser. You see the same problem with solarium banks, you know those things people fry themselfs under to get a nice brown skin, they tend to get weak after a period of time. My girlfriend has a solarium and i used to lay my eproms next to her to have them erased by the UV light. works great !!!!! Greetings Eric Martens *************************** * Eric Martens * * * ************************** ---------- | From: N STEENKAMP [M.ING E&E] | To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU | Subject: JW Erase Time | Date: donderdag 29 mei 1997 18:32 | | Hi, | | I bought a few JW devices (x54,x56,x57) about two years ago. These | devices erased in about 4 minutes under my eraser. Recently I | bought another x57 and this chip takes 12+ minutes to erase under the | same lamp! Is the part suspect or have Microchip made their devices a | bit harder to erase in the last two years? | | Niki |