Hello and sorry 'bout the annoying newbie question :-) I would like to get started using PICs, but I am having trouble deciding what is the best place to start. The PIC16C84 seems to be the best beginners PIC due to its EEPROM, but which programmer should I use? The PICStart Plus Programmer, PICSTART-Lite or will a "home-made" programmer do the trick for me? If so, which would you recommend? Which books would you recommend? If have done a lot or surfing for PIC sites, and found plenty. But I haven't found the perfect site which takes you right through from buying the supplies to actually programming the chips. Once I get started with PICs, I hope to put up my own site with all the info that I used (or wished I had.) Thank-you for your help. David Boone dave@pyramid.bc.ca