>Now here's the question: Can I safely program PIC in >app, when it's clk and data are tied to the clk and >data of shift register? > > RB5 ------------------------------------- E > > RB7 ------o----------- data ------ RW >PIC | 4015 ------ RS LCD > RB6 ------+-----o----- clock ------ D0 > | | ------ D1 > ~MCLR------+-----+-----+ ... > | | | > | | | > data clock ~mclr > programming > >(I'd say yes, sr isn't driving PIC's pins anywhere, and >LCD doesn't do anything 'cause there will be no Enable) > > Yes, I would only recommend 74HC164 instead of 4016 and using the display in 4 bit mode. In this way you can control the display using only 3 port pins. Josef Hanzal euroclass@pha.pvtnet.cz