> We found what looks like a brilliant assembler and simulator for the > PIC 16C84. However, it doesnt seem to recognise source code which compiles > and runs perfectly with MPASM. > > Any ideas please why we cannot use this software? > > David Dobbs > David, CES is working to add 100% MPASM compatibility to CESSIM. When this becomes available we will post it on our web page. For the time being you will have to either edit your file for compatibility, or allow the disassembler to read in your hex file and generate the code. Chris ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chris B. Sakkas (chris@itutech.com) http://www.itutech.com ITU Technologies (info@itutech.com) ftp://itutech.com *** Upgrade your PICSTART programmer to program the latest devices *** *** with the PHOENIX firmware upgrade! See our web page for details! *** *** VISA and MasterCard accepted (513) 661-7523 ***