This note is directed to everyone who is replying to the spam we all received recently. Please stop hitting reply and putting "remove" in the note. The original note (or spam) was sent to the PICLIST - not you as individuals. replying to this note just clutters up PICLIST with unneeded (and unheeded) notes. Secondly, if you reply directly to the sender, chances are you'll be put on a mailing list and get additional spams directly. (Right now, all they have is the PICLIST address - do you want them to have your E-Mail address as well?) Like physical junk mail, there's virtually nothing you can do to stop it. So ignore it and let's talk about PICs. myke >remove > >-----Original Message----- >From: manager@GTE.NET [SMTP:manager@GTE.NET] >Sent: Thursday, May 22, 1997 12:04 AM >To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU >Subject: Make Money !! > >To be removed from our lists, hit reply and >type "remove" in the subject of your message. > > >MAKE AS MUCH MONEY AS YOU WANT TO !! > >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GET TUFF !!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >~~~~~~TOWARD ULTIMATE FINANCIAL FREEDOM~~~~~ > >I'm earning $$$ monthly marketing TUFF!! >And this is only the beginning!! > >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~NEW DISK PROGRAM~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TUFF~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > >"TUFF" IS THE MOST POWERFUL MONEY MAKER >OF IT'S TYPE TO DATE. > >TUFF is based on a very unique growth structure >that has not been seen in disk based programs. >It's a simple system, however, at first, some have >difficulty grasping the concept because it is so >different than what they have seen in the past. > >"TUFF" IS DIFFERENT THAN ALL THE OTHERS! With other >disk programs, you must wait until your next >generation starts manufacturing disks in order to >earn money. NOT WITH TUFF! YOU START EARNING MONEY >IMMEDIATELY!! > >With the disks you send out by either email or >"snail" mail, you either receive $40 if someone joins >or they work for you by sending out disks that have >your name on them! > >ALSO ENCLOSED ON THE DISK: SIMPLE TRACK SOFTWARE: >A few of the features of SIMPLE TRACK are: > >1. It's very easy to use. > >2. It has a capacity of handling 7,500 prospects. > >3. It automatically alerts you to prospects that > are due to be re-contacted. > >4. It has full edit, update, find, and scroll functions. > >5. It's also very useful for keeping records on personal > dates. Birthdays, anniversaries, etc. > >Enjoy a tremendous perpetual income from marketing >SIMPLE TRACK and TUFF distributorships. The marketing >method is unique. You purchase one distributorship for >$40 and sell as many as you want for $40 each. And >for every distributorship you sell, you get to keep >the entire $40. Besides that, you will receive orders >for distributorships from the marketing efforts of >people in your downline even if you cease personal >marketing efforts. > >HOW EASILY AND SIMPLE DISK PROGRAMS CAN WORK: > >Having filled thousands of orders over the years, I >find that disk programs are the perfect products and >the easiest orders to fill. What could be more simple >than sending someone a file over the internet? > >The disk explains the program - you don't have to call >people up and explain the product. You don't have to >send fliers along with the disk. > >You don't have to physically mail disks - you can >email them! > >You can send thousands of people the same disk - >AT THE SAME TIME! TUFF generates different codes each >time, you can send the same disk over and over again. > >The perfect product for a "Home Page". Put it on your >home page and let people download it all day long! If >you are contemplating setting up a home page in the >near future, you're going to need some Freebies to >attract people to your site. What better product? > >TUFF is a lifetime product - not something that will >be obsolete in the near future - it has longevity. > >TUFF is FREE to review. No buying "a pig in a poke". >You know exactly what you're getting. > >TO RECEIVE YOUR FREE COPY OF THE "TUFF" SOFTWARE - >HIT REPLY AND TYPE TUFF IN THE SUBJECT OF THE >EMAIL MESSAGE, AND WE'LL EMAIL YOU THE "TUFF.ZIP" FILE.Content-Type: application/ms-tnef > >xÄ>" Æ "My ancestors didn't spend millions of years clawing their way to the top of the food chain, just so I could become a vegetarian"