Hi Have you seen UMPS by Philippe TECHER in France. It does just what your program will. I would like a copy of your software as I can't afford UMPS! Tim At 08:58 21/05/97 +1000, you wrote: >At the moment I am writing a windows based program that simulates the >PIC16C84. The software is intended for beginers to PICs, more so for >students who may be interested in learning to program. It >graphically displays how the chip functions, and can run code that >you write yourself. There are also modules that can be connected >such as a 7 segment display, to see how the ports work. > >The software still has a way to go but if any one would like to try >it I can make a copy available. Some feedback would be welcome. > >Tony > > >Just when I thought I knew it all, >I learned that I didn't. > ------------------------------------------------------------------ Personal Web Pages: http://web.ukonline.co.uk/members/tim.kerby/ PIC Site: http://web.ukonline.co.uk/members/tim.kerby/pic/ The PIC Pages are under construction and I am looking for projects ------------------------------------------------------------------