At 05:42 PM 5/21/97 +0200, you wrote: >1) When I look at the OSCOUT pin of my 16C74 > I see the following sine : 1 to 2 Vpp AC > and 2.5 V DC. Is this normal or should the > signal be larger. (Is the DC voltage OK ?) > What could be the problem ? If you are running at 5V, there is no problem...2.5 is right where the DC should be, between 5V and gnd. the sine wave is good, that means your oscillator is working. The size of it is likely affected by the oscilloscope impedance loading it down. >2) Very strange, the next one ... > The bigger my program gets (max. about 1K), > the less signal I get at CLKOUT. Does program > size have anything at all to do with the > oscillator circuitry ? The size of it is likely affected by the oscilloscope impedance loading it down. it can be affected and act strange when loaded down by the scope, changing the crystal frequency a little, and sometimes making it stop. It's OK if that's what it is. If you are worried that the oscillator is steady, make a timer go off at a steady count of clocks and see if that frequency drifts and is not steady. otherwise no hay problema! Remember: the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, Ilya Prigogene's theories, and everyday life all suggest that life is strange. No big deal. JGriessen > >If anyone can give an answer to these >(ridiculous ?) questions I would be most >gratefull ! > >Thanx anyway. >Ben. > >