Jose Antonio Noda wrote: > > Hi, > > I know a little about the microcontroller PIC16C84, > and I would like make a little counter with a LED display, > and a 16C84 chip. > I have made my first proyects with the PIC16C84, > and now I would like make a 0 to 9 counter with a 16C84 chip. > Please, could you help me with a little source code, > and a little scheme or how to connect the display?. > Please, help me with this proyect of the counter!. > > Regards, > Jose Antonio > try this PC EQU OX02 COUNT EQU 0X0C MOVF COUNT,W CALL SEGMENTS MOVWF PORTB SEGMENTS ADDWF PC,F ; ADD OFFSET TO PGM CTR RETLW 3F ; 0 RETLW 06 ; 1 RETLW 53 ; 2 RETLW 4F ; 3 RETLW 66 ; 4 RETLW 6D ; 5 RETLW 7D ; 6 RETLW 07 ; 7 RETLW 7F ; 8 RETLW 6F ; 9 HOP THIS HELPS ANDRE _____________________________________ / /\ / Andre Abelian 818.840-0003 / /\ / Data Image Technology _/ / / / \/ / 1128 Alameda Ave.ste 4 /\ / Glendale CA 91201 / / /____________________________________/ / \____________________________________\/ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \