Hi Frank, >This thread made start wondering..... > >Where are the USB peripherals? Has anyone actually seen one? > > >Frank Richterkessing >Experimental Methods Engineer >GE Appliances In the last number of "Telecom Product News" could see just ONE device claiming to be an ISDN adapter for the Universal Serial Bus. Not too much really ! Another similar magazine "Electronic Product News" shows a few connectors manufacturers which actually present their USB connectors, but the only chips to deal with them are made by Lucent Technologies and Philips. The Philips chip interfaces via I2C bus with a microcontroller, has one upstream USB port and four downstream USB ports. (no clear idea what it means !) Another peripheral: Cherry manufactures a USB Keyboard. I agree that there is no market actually. It may become a real (fact) standard or just another marketing decition which blows !. Anyway.... better to check it closely and get all the info you can. Luis Fernandez Cormenzana RadioBit Sistemas, S.L. Vehicle fleet control systems Patrol presence controllers Fax/Tel:+34-6-585 64 57 e-mail: radiobit@dragonet.es http://www.dragonet.es/users/radiobit