As a followup to the recent discussion on connecting a PIC to an Ethernet Bus, I would like to ask if anyone has some Information on connecting a PIC to the USB. USB should have some serious advantages over the RS232 Serial Bus and even RS485. You could hook many PICs to the same Bus, so for example with an USB based PIC-Programmer you would never have to unplug it because you are short of serial ports. The data transmission speed should be high enoug for a lot of things you cannot achieve today (eg. hooking a black and white ccd camera to your pc, build a cheap logic state recorder, sampling high speed data like audio sounds) Most people will have USB for free sooner or later as it is build into any Motherboard sold today anyway. (That makes a huge market for professional projects) You would not run out of PC interrupt lines, as you do, if you put RS232 cards into Your PC. I guess the hardest thing is, that on the Computer side there are no software equivalents to terminal programs which let you access the USB in an easy way? The obvious disadvantage to ethernet would be, that your hardware still cannot be accessed directly from any PC in a network. Ralf