Hi Gerhard, Carlton, > At 14:46 16/05/97 -0400, Carlton Haycock wrote: > >I am relatively new to PIC's. Using a part like the PIC16C84, what would be > >the most straight forward way to interface to the TMP04 temperature sensor? > >The TMP04 is a 3-wire device (+5v,gnd,data_out). The temperature is encoded Or you can just sample the OP of the TMP03/4 and count the number of highs in one register pai and lows in another, keep at it until one register hits say 4096 or some other comfy number and then you have the ratio as a function of 4096 in the other register. This method introduces jitter but does not require any timing, just sort of regular polling of the device and a long period to average out the jitter caused by the non synchronous sampling a bit. You can look at some examples in PC PASCAL and STAMPII BASIC on my projects page. http://www.ip.co.za/people/kalle/project.htm#heat There may be a 's' on projects. Cheers -- Kalle Pihlajasaari kalle@ip.co.za http://www.ip.co.za/ip Interface Products P O Box 15775, DOORNFONTEIN, 2028, South Africa + 27 (11) 402-7750 Fax: 402-7751 http://www.ip.co.za/people/kalle DonTronics, Silicon Studio and Wirz Electronics uP Product Dealer