We go through this argument at least once a year on this list! A large number of people accees the internet through a corproate network, and their firewalls do not allow NNTP communications. I thought the person maintaining this list was going to arrange for the list to be mirrored on the MicroChip Newsgroups? regards, Scott. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Scott Walsh Tel: +44 1793 84 22 18 | | Design Engineer Fax: +44 1793 84 88 53 | | Tlx: 44626 PLANAC G | | Plantronics International | | Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire, | | SN4 8QQ, England. EMail: scott.walsh@plantronics.com | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________ Subject: Re: why not use Microchip's News server? Author: pic microcontroller discussion list at INTERNET Date: 15/05/97 09:59 >This list has gotten huge since it was first started. I've noticed >that Microchip has a News server that some (very few) people >use. Any reason why? The News server's format is much easier >to read. Point your news browser to mchipbbs.microchip.com. > Don't have any Browser's is there an e-mail or http address? TIA http://ic.mankato.mn.us/~douglas >I have no complaints of this list. I've maintained several and realize >how inglorious it can be. But there is a time that every list outgrows >email. And since SPAM is unavoidable even in email lists... > >-tim > >begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT >M>)\^(B\.`0:0" `$```````!``$``0>0!@`(````Y 0```````#H``$(@ <` >M& ```$E032Y-:6-R;W-O9G0@36%I;"Y.;W1E`#$(`0V ! `"`````@`"``$$ >MD 8`Y $```$````0`````P``, (````+``\.``````(!_P\!````6 `````` >M``"!*Q^DOJ,0&9UN`-T!#U0"`````'!I8R!M:6-R;V-O;G1R;VQL97(@9&ES >M8W5S``(P >M`0````4```!33510`````!X``S !````%P```%!)0TQ)4U1 34E45DU!+DU) >M5"Y%1%4```,`%0P!`````P#H:\pic\pic archive 2P8````>``$P`0```"8````G<&EC(&UI8W)O >M8V]N=')O;&QEM4#I024-,25-40$U)5%9-02Y-250N1415``,``#D`````"P! .@$````>`/9? >M`0```"0```!P:6,@;6ECM`?=?`0```%@`````````@2L?I+ZC$!F=;@#=`0]4`@````!P:6,@;6ECM;VYTM+DU)5"Y%1%4``P#]7P$````#`/]?``````(!]@\!````! ````````*U;0$$ >M@ $`)0```'=H>2!N;W0@=7-E($UI8W)O8VAI<"=S($YE=W,@M#0$%@ ,`#@```,T'!0`/``H`"0`N``0`+0$!(( #``X```#-!P4`#P`*``0` >M+ `$`"8!`0F `0`A````.$)%-35"-30R.4-$1# Q,4(S0C0P,$$P,C0X1#-$ >M14,`.0M```````#`"X```````,`-@``````0 `Y`%!?O*0Y8;P!'@!P``$````E```` >M=VAY(&YO="!UM````%@````&\83FDA51;Y8S-*1'0L[0`H"2-/>P``!X`'@P!````!0```%-- >M5% `````'@`?# $````:````=&EM+F1R=7)Y0&=TM``,`!A AZ@@(`P`'$&H!```>``@0`0```&4```!42$E33$E35$A!4T=/5%1% >M3DA51T5324Y#14E45T%31DE24U135$%25$5$259%3D]424-%1%1(051-24-2 >M3T-(25!(05-!3D574U-%4E9%4E1(05133TU%*%9%4EE&15M"1 !````\ $``.P!``"4`@``3%I&=88T+FUW``H!`P'W( *D`^,"`&.": K >MM,PNG"K$*@%1H! `@GFP$``5 #X $(&=O`D!#"? 5L'5G92 `D&XJ8Q:@:05 >M=Q719FD?#Z %0!60"L 6,&0N(% @22=V%J!N%A!IMQ;P"S$4XG0/@ 5 31D0 >M[P-@#W %(!6S80>R!" /L&YR&+ %P!FS1> !] I('!E:F\+ >M4&44Q'4/L!AA03YN'* )M;1+P:" >@3<(D0KC&9%O'F(84E!ONPN !4!Y"&$8T!L28@-@%QL@&Y(B(&T: >M4F)BMOPMQ"8 ;01N!!T :T&XIL.L><15P>AUE:"/0%Q 3X%T)`6D(8 0@%R%C`Y%B >M^1WR0G4%0!FP!) 7`1K"?QD`'#$9LRGB'* 5ML2$6TU-004T@LG5N^R; (L!D`: =4"Z2`Z +@+\A,#!"%6,DT#/ )=HM+@$O >M)=43@!2U$'$`-C #`! 0``````,`$1 ``````P" $/____] ``MO % ``@P\/G@\#AAO $+``& "" &``````# ````````1@`````#A0`````` >M``,``X (( 8``````, ```````!&`````!"%`````````P`&@ @@!@`````` >MP ```````$8`````4H4``+<-```>`": "" &``````# ````````1@````!4 >MA0```0````0````X+C ``P`G@ @@!@``````P ```````$8``````84````` >M```+`#" "" &``````# ````````1@`````.A0````````,`,8 (( 8````` >M`, ```````!&`````!&%`````````P`S@ @@!@``````P ```````$8````` >M&(4````````>`$* "" &``````# ````````1@`````VA0```0````$````` >M````'@!#@ @@!@``````P ```````$8`````-X4```$````!`````````!X` >M1( (( 8``````, ```````!&`````#B%```!`````0`````````>`#T``0`` >3``$``````````P`--/TW``# $ `` >` >end > >