Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Description: cc:Mail note part Corne-- AN1 on the PIC14000 cannot be used as an analog input if the level-shift network is disabled. AN5 behaves the same way. This is explained in the PIC14C000.pdf device errata which is available on the Microchip web site ( Have you set the LSOFF bit (SLPCON<4>)? If so, this will cause AN1 to go to five volts, rendering it unusable as an analog you have experienced. There are two ways to resolve this problem. Either use a different A/D channel, or if you must use AN1, follow the steps below. I have also attached the complete errata to this message. Just use Adobe Acrobat to read it. 1) Ensure the LSOFF bit (SLPCON<4>) is cleared. 2) Ensure a good zero-level on AN1 and/or AN5 by setting the ADZERO bit(ADCON0<0>). 3) Perform an A/D conversion as normal and keep the count from ADCAPH and ADCAPL in user-defined RAM. This is the representative digital count for the exact level-shift value. 4) Enable the signal of interest onto AN1. 5) Perform another A/D conversion and keep the count in ADCAPH and ADCAPL. This is the rep-resentative digital count for the sum of the signal of interest and the exact level-shift value. 6) Subtract the level-shift count from the representative count for the sum. 7) This result will be the representative count for the signal of interest alone. Good luck. I believe this explanation should resolve the problem. Please let me know, either directly or via PICLIST. Regards, Wes Reid Sr. Apps Engineer (602)786-7562 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="14000.pdf" Content-Description: Unknown data type Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="14000.pdf" Attachment converted: wonderland:14000.pdf (PDF /CARO) (00002D62)