Hi Michael, I have attentend the MicroChip seminar in CA just week ago. It was little bit boring. There were a lot people not familiar in all with the subject, some were sleeping, others were just escaping their works. But If you are seriously interested by MicroChip products it is good idea to attend it. Overall it was a good experience for me, also I bought a Picstat plus for only $ 149 (US). Right now I am just getting started, so it is too early to make any comments. -----Original Message----- From: Michael Lea [SMTP:mlea@smartrisk.ca] Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 1997 12:39 PM To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: PicStart Plus Hi Everyone, This greenhorn is new to PICs. I see MicroChip has a seminar in Toronto coming up later this month. One of the options for the seminar fee is receiving a PicStart Plus package. Two questions I would like to through your way: 1) Would you recommend PicStart Plus package for a beginner? 2) Has anyone attended a 1997 MicroChip seminar? If so, I would be interested in your comments pro or con. Thanks for your time and comments. Sincerely, Michael Lea ·