I have to use floating point maths in my application and am having a problem with implementing it. I'm trying to use the material in AN526. I have assembled and used the demo program FLOAT.ASM under MPSIM. I've also used the demo "calculator" FPREP.EXE which I got off the bulletin board. The problem is that FLOAT.ASM and FPREP.EXE use completely different representations for floating point numbers. I can understand the format used by FPREP.EXE, but what I need to understand is the format used by FLOAT.ASM. The test module at the end of the program listing gives the results that the comments say it should, but I cant extrapolate them back to where the numbers come from: i.e. A = 01FF exp(07) B = 7FFF exp(06) A+B = 403F exp(07) A*B = FF7E exp(12) B-A = 7F7F exp(06) B/A = 4000 exp(FA) remainder 3F Cas any maths wizard explain to me what the decimal equivalents of these numbers are? PLEASE? -- erik