Hi All! > I want to send an RS232 signal ( one way only ) to several > PICS. All the PICS (Probably 16c73's) will be in the same > box. Is there any reason why I can't use one MAX232 or > similar device and distribute the output to 3 or 4 PICs Rx > pins. I think it should be ok but just checking to make sure > there are no gotcha's. Thanks. If Your receiving PICs are in the same box - why you using +-12v levels ?????? Send CMOS-levels and never mind about MAX232 ! btw, MAX232 - expensive device(as all MAXIM's), the best solution is Analog Devices AD202 (232) - it's more cheaper. Best Wishes, Alex Torres. Kharkov, Ukraine, exUSSR. E-Mail To : altor@cook.kharkov.ua via InterNet or 2:461/28 via FidoNet --- GoldED 2.50.A0531+ * Origin: Future Hardware, (0572)32-31-62 (2:461/28)