At 11:16 10/05/97 EDT, Harold M Hallikainen wrote: > So far for prototyping SMT, I've used solder paste and TRIED to >dab a little on each pad, then drop the part into position. I then hold >the part in position with the point of an Xacto knife and heat up one >pin. Once that is secured, all the other pins can be heated with a fine >point iron. This sounds pretty good -- I'll definitely try it with solder paste. (Sounds like it spares you a hand :-) > Years ago I saw a vapor-phase soldering system at a convention. >It was a Pyrex jar with condensor tubes around the top. > I also wonder about using a low flow temperature controlled heat >gun for soldering. High flow blows the parts off the board. >Nontemperature controlled melts parts. Anyone have any experience with >this? I'm also interested in any small numbers production type tool, like you mentioned some. If anybody has any suggestions... Thanks for the replies.