So far for prototyping SMT, I've used solder paste and TRIED to dab a little on each pad, then drop the part into position. I then hold the part in position with the point of an Xacto knife and heat up one pin. Once that is secured, all the other pins can be heated with a fine point iron. For production, I'm wondering about having our PC house (down the street) silkscreen on solder paste. I wonder how long we can store the boards before the paste dries up. Years ago I saw a vapor-phase soldering system at a convention. It was a Pyrex jar with condensor tubes around the top. You heat fluid in the bottom and run water through the condensor. The fluid vaporizes and stays below the condensor. Loaded boards are lowered into the vapor for a few seconds, soldering all connections. I haven't seen the system since then, but it looked pretty neat. I also wonder about using a low flow temperature controlled heat gun for soldering. High flow blows the parts off the board. Nontemperature controlled melts parts. Anyone have any experience with this? Finally, how about a temperature controlled heat gun as a mini environmental chamber? Harold Harold Hallikainen phone/fax/bbs +1 805 541 0201 Hallikainen & Friends, Inc. web PO Box 4737 email San Luis Obispo, CA 93403-4737 email USA email