I can think of two possibilities: [1] They may be using an optical encoder. If so, then the LED's on the encoder will need to be powered somehow. While the design could use four pins [use a common terminal for the LED's and for one leg of the phototransistors] some applications may require switching the LED on and off [e.g. turning it off while not looking at it]; this is much easier if both legs of the LED are "exposed". [2] They may be using a 16-position encoder. While 16-position encoders [which have a 4-bit output] are a little more expensive than 4-position ones, they can be more reliable when moved quickly. On a 4-way encoder, if you move more than one click between samples the device will be misread; on a 16-way encoder, you can move seven clicks per sample time without missing counts. I just took the switch out. 1. it is potentiometer. 2. pin number 2 not used 3. measuring between 1 to 5 has 8.5 k resistance. 4. pin 3 which is middle one works like regular potentiometer. basically the way I understand it is based on resistance value probably something like this using ADC PIC16C73 can be done but what about pin 4? changing the value with this method I think it is Advanced way of doing it of course you can use 2 buttons too. any idea will appreciate. thank you Andre _____________________________________ / /\ / Andre Abelian 818.840-0003 / /\ / Data Image Technology _/ / / andreabelian@earthlink.net / \/ / 1128 Alameda Ave.ste 4 /\ / Glendale CA 91201 / / /____________________________________/ / \____________________________________\/ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \