myke predko wrote: > > Hi Jens, > > It looks like an interesting circuit - maybe you could give an explanation > of how it works - According to Microchip's programming specification Iddp > (PIC Current while Programming) is 20 mA and Ipp (Current sunk at _MCLR > during Programming) is 50 mA. > > I'm surprised that an RS-232 port can source this much current. > > Good work, I'm interesting in learning more about it. > > myke It works just like compic-1. A great explanation can be found at: The average of TxD is used to generate Vcc (as PWM): If ADD ax,k1 results in carry then send t1 else send t2 where t1 has n+1 bits high and t2 has n bits high. Data is send as 115200 baud, 8 bit, 1 stop, no parity. Average is (k1/65536+n+1)/10*(V2-V1)+V1. (V2 = -0.7V, V1 = 13.7V). Regards, Jens Dyekjfr Madsen