Hello to all, I need to program a 16c84 part soldered to the PCB, and I've built two homemade programmers: a "ludipipo" for the serial port and a "topic" for the parallel port. None of them are able to program the pic in the circuit, but they work fine with a "off-circuit" PIC. I've read in this List some things to try: - Stop the PIC oscillator grounding the OSC1 pin. - Shield the cables to the PIC. - Cables as short as possible. My questions is: It's really needed to stop the PIC oscillator? What else can I try? Thanks in advance. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Adolfo Cobo Garcia - UNIVERSIDAD DE CANTABRIA | | E.T.S.I.I. y Telecomunicacion, Grupo de Ingenieria Fotonica | | Avda. Los Castros s/n E-39005 Santander SPAIN | | Tfno. +34-42-201539 Fax +34-42-201873 Email: acobo@teisa.unican.es | -----------------------------------------------------------------------