Hi everyone, Let me start out by saying that this PIC list is great in whatever format it takes. My question has to do with LonWorks networks. First let me describe my opportunity. I have designed a timer (based on a Basic Stamp and a PIC16C84) that uses two photoeyes, a solenoid, a light and possibly other things too. All of these devices have to be located about 150 to 1000 feet from my console. The system is portable so I did not want a lot of wires going from the console out to the devices. In my day job, I see a lot of FieldBus, DeviceNet, SDS and things like that. This got me to thinking that I would be smarter to put all of my devices on a bus for 2 reasons: 1 I would not have as many wires to run to the devices and 2 I could expand the number of devices out in the field and not have to change my cabling. Most of the field devices are simple off/on but some have, like a large digit display, will have to receive numbers from the console and display them on 12" tall characters. My questions are: 1. What is the simplest bus to implement? By this I mean, what chips are out there to implement this bus and how difficult is the programming? 2. Does anyone have any experiences with creating devices that sit on a serial bus? Any information anyone has would be greatly appreciated. ~*~*~*~*~*~* Troy Powledge TCo. Systems tpow@eramp.net *~*~*~*~*~*~ Two rules to live by. #1 Don't sweat the little stuff. #2 Its all little stuff.