Hi All PICers ! > Here's another one :) We are going to write serial numbers > in all the PICs we program. Because Mchip won't let us read > the chip ID from within the PIC software, we decided to do > it in the ROM. In the software, there is a lookup table > filled with retlw FFs (unprogrammed) During the > manufacturing process, the serial number is written in this > space as a set number of retlw instructions. The PIC can > read this and we can identify each individual chip made by > us. Yea, its a good idea. I use 3 locations, between the reset vector and the interrupt vector. ORG 0 0000 goto START 0001 retlw Loc1 0002 retlw Loc2 0003 retlw Loc3 ; interrupt subroutine 0004 ............ retfie ; START: ............... I implement this feature now in my PICLAB programmer : automatic increment of 3 byte serial number after each writing (if serialisation is ON). Best Wishes, Alex Torres. Kharkov, Ukraine, exUSSR. E-Mail To : altor@cook.kharkov.ua via InterNet or 2:461/28 via FidoNet --- GoldED 2.50.A0531+