Some recent discussions about Linux, RS232 and such like.. > > . An RS232 programing board - I have found several including Jens Madsen > > programmer. Does anyone have a Blank PCB for sale?? I too have an interest in an RS232 version of a programmer. I looked at the Jens Madsen programmer, which is very slick. However, the device I'd likely be driving this with is a PDA. And since the PDA is powered from 3 AA batteries I don't want to attempt to drive the RS232 programmer from the PDA's port (even if I could). Does anyone want to take a swipe at what would be needed to modify the Madsen design such that it could be powered from two 9v batteries? (Ala Don McKenzie's PIC84PGM or DT001.) I would take a stab at it myself, but my level of electronics knowledge barely qualifies me to post to the list.. ...Kevin /* Kevin Slater */ /* Slater Programming Services */ /* Mars, Pa. 16046-3938 */ /* */