Hi everyone, I read Elektor Nov '93 magazine, on page 5 there is a schematic for Electronic Load that use FET BUZ384. This FET is a so-called FREDFET, which is typified by a very fast integrated inverse diode that prevents the device being damaged by negative voltages across the drain-source junction. It hcan handle currents of up to 10.5 A and has a minimum drain-source transfer resistance, RDS(on), of 0.6 Ohm. I already search on Digi-Key, Marshall, All Electronic Corp, Allied Electronics, and still can't find this BUZ384. Is there someone can tell me where is in the internet I can buy or substition for this BUZ384? I need this for my final exams. Thanks for any helps. Sincerely, Dharma Chandra dharmac@ibm.net