Dear Microchip and Dear 17C4X users! some of our designs, for in-chip encryption and rapid data transfer, are hampered by the RAM address mapping of the PIC17C4X architecture. For instance, it is not possible to use a 256-byte table without bank switching, which bloats the code and penalizes interrupt performance. Would you please consider the advantages of a design in which a clean, flat 256- or 512-byte RAM array lies ``under'' the special-function registers, which would be accessible via the INDF0 and INDF1 indrect registers? A data-transfer loop exploiting the auto-increment features of the FSRs could really scream, if we wouldn't have to test every iteration, ``Oops, have we wrapped around to non-RAM addresses now?'' I would suggest a ``mode'' bit, in the BSR, to select compatibility in cases where anyone still wants INDF0/1 to walk through the SFRs. I have a complete paper with more details on this idea, in case anyone cares to look at it more closely. Anyone who wants to see a PIC17CXX REALLY scream! Peter F. Klammer, Racom Systems Inc. PKlammer@ACM.Org 6080 Greenwood Plaza Boulevard (303)773-7411 Englewood, CO 80111 FAX:(303)771-4708