I am looking for sample code to peruse, to jump start me. My project involves an interface to a graphic LCD (128 by 64), monitoring some potentiometers with the internal ADC, an interface to an ADC08161 from National Semi and some misc. I/O. Are there any good places on the web to find sample code? When I am done with my project, I plan to publish the segments in an appropriate venue. (the MicroChip site?) Gus Calabrese -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WFT Electronics wft@frii.com http://www.frii.com/~wft Gus Calabrese 303 321-1119......voicemail Lola Montes 1799 Uinta Street Denver, CO 80220 EMERGENCY: 791 High Street Estes Park, CO 80517 if no success with wft@frii.com, try .... wft@bigfoot.com