> From: Robert Zeff > Subject: Digital pot / attenuators? > To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > > Hi, > I need to attenuate an audio signal. I need something like > the AD7112 LogDac, but it's a bit pricey ($>10.00 and > requires lots of I/O lines. What about using AD8402 (8403) 2/4 channel digital pot ? It's price $2.5 for 2ch (8402) and $4.8 for 4ch (8403). This devices needs only 3 wire SPI ( SDI,SCLK, CS) for operation and have reset and shutdown inputs. Pot's nominal is 10k,50k or 100k. > I need to handle signal swings of +/- 10 volts. Hm, AD8402/3 limited only 0-VDD (max 5.5V), but with OP its possible to built +/-10v input schematics. > The Dallas parts are neat (I2C) but they > only handle 0 - 3 volts. Also, I need at least .5 db > steps, say 0 to -80dB. Any suggestions? AD8402/03 have only 8bit (256 steps)= 46dB (as I remember), but you may cascading both 2ch of 8402 (using double OP). Some data from AD8402 datasheet : -------------------------------------------------- Bandwith (-3bB) 600 kHz Total Harmonic Distortion (1kHz) 0.003 % Setting Time 25 uS Resistor Voltage Noise 9 nV/Hz^-1 Crosstalk -65 dB Power Supply Range 2.7-5.5 V --------------------------------------------------- I use AD8402 in my new production PIC programmer to control VDD & VPP, very wonderful chip ! Best Wishes, Alex Torres. Kharkov, Ukraine, exUSSR. E-Mail To : altor@cook.kharkov.ua via InterNet or 2:461/28 via FidoNet --- GoldED 2.50.A0531+