Ok guys, I can't send it to you right now, because my flat bed scanner is out! And I am leaving soon (2 days) on hollydays. I leave for 2 weeks, so you will get it in two weeks, BUT I can tell you this: It is done with: PIC 16C84 TDA7330 2*16 LCD 4.332 Xtal used by the TDA and connected to OSC1 of 16C84 TDA 7330: PIN 1 47nF to stereo Multiplex signal 2 10uF to ground 3 10nF to ground 4 NC 5 GND 6 NC 7 NC 8 NC 9 27pF to ground, to pin 16 of PIC 10 27pF to ground 9-10 2M2 // Xtal 11 NC 12 RDCL to RB0 of PIC 13 RDDA to RTCC of PIC 14 RDQ: NC 15 ARI: NC 16 VCC (+5v) 17, 18, 19, 20: NC PIC16C84: PIN 1, 2 NC 3 RTCC, to pin 13 of TDA 4 MCLR: 1k to VCC 5 GND 6 RB0, to pin 12 of TDA 7,8,9,10,11,12,13: RB1 to RB7: LCD control 14 VCC 15 OSC2: NC 16 OSC1 to pin 9 of TDA 17 RA0: 4k7 to VCC + jumper to GND (LCD type select) 18 RA1: NC -- Anyway, Elektor never give the source code... :( But you can write it easy, no? Sorry for the few informations, but when time is up... _____________ \ / David BALDWIN \ ALCATEL / Design engineer \TELECOM/ \ / SdM (Societe de Microelectronique) \ / \ / B.P. 4205 Phone : +32 (0)71 442932 V B-6000 Charleroi Fax : +32 (0)71 442905 (Belgium) mailto:baldwin@etca.alcatel.be