At 08:40 AM 4/28/97 +0200, you wrote: > Hello all: > > > There can someone help me to locate the corresponding program for >the PIC16C71 from the articulate publisheded in the Elektor magazine whose >title is " RS-232 Data Acquisition Card ", written by S.G. Willis. > >Thanks. > >Eugenio. > > > >Grupo de Cronobiolog’a y Ecofisiolog’a de Peces > > >o \_/ Prof. Dr. Eugenio Mart’n Cuenca > o ___/____ Dpto. de Biolog’a Animal - Fac. Ciencias > o / \ / Universidad de Granada - Spain > /__¡ \/ Tlfno : + 34 58 246 167 - Movil: 907 503 326 > \ /\ Fax : + 34 58 243 238 > \___ ____/ \ E-mail : > I subscribe to the Dutch language version of that magazine ELEKTUUR. I know that ELEKTUUR/ELEKTOR puts out a CD-ROM, which I just ordered, written in 4 languages, which contains all their software. I also bought their 1996 CD-ROM, also written in 4 languages, which contains the entire year's magazine issues. Check with your ELEKTOR publisher in Spain. I'm sure they will be glad to sell it to you. I don't have my CD-ROM, yet, but I don't think they would like me to upload the code for you when I get it.