-- >Wath's means "Compiler phasing error" ????. How can help me??? Tanks. Dear Fabio, the "Compiler phasing error" is the peculiar manner, how mplab-c now and then announces a syntax error. From my experience I can tell you that mostly you can find the according line from examining the listfile (which is incomplete in this case). Usually the "Compiler phasing error" seem to be caused by an ordinary syntax problem (like a missing ; at the end of a statement) but sometimes also valid C statements seem to cause an internal crash of the mplab-c compiler (for example if there is source-code only inside the ELSE tree of an IF statement) Good luck & Best regards, Marc Schmaeche ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ZENTRUM FUER ANGEWANDTE MIKROELEKTRONIK UND NEUE TECHNOLOGIEN DER BAYERISCHEN FACHHOCHSCHULEN E.V. Dipl.-Ing. M.Schmaeche Tel.: +49 (0)9131 691145 ZAM-Anwenderzentrum Nbg. Fax: +49 (0)9131 691166 Am Weichselgarten 7 E-Mail: mailto:ms@zam.nf.fh-nuernberg.de 91058 Erlangen, Germany (Ger/Eng/Spa welcome) -----------------------------------------------------------------------