As with everyone who has posted to PIClist, I got concerned when my first posting was returned from a Microchip address (shown at the end of thispost) stating that it was undeliverable. THIS DIDN'T MEAN IT HADN'T GOT TO PICLIST - just that one of Microchip's subscriptions is bad. Many people react as I did - repost (and get same again, plus the mailing list majordomo saying the repost was rejected as being a duplicate). The assumption of the poster is that Microchip are running the PIClist and the poster has done something wrong in the way they've posted. In case anybody didn't realise it, PIClist is not organised or controlled by Microchip. From some of the posts I sometimes wonder if it is even read by anyone there! Now if I get a Microchip bounce I bounce it straight back to their postmaster - so far with no response. I suggest everyone else does the same. Two questions. 1. Microchip make the PIC, so want to encourage people to use it (I assume!), so why do they let their name get advertised to users as a company that can't organise its own email and mailing list subscriptions properly? 2. Why does PIClist still hold open the subscription of this DUD address, despite several postings? Postings get bounced with the headers including lines: From: Hub.Admin@com.microchip.ccmail (Administrator) Subject: Message not deliverable Until this is sorted, please can the subscription handler include the info about Microchip bounces in the "welcome" message sent to all new subscribers. Tim Forcer Tel: (+44) (0)1703 593362 Fax: (+44) (0)1703 592053 email: Department of Electronics & Computer Science Room 3005, Building 35 The University, Southampton, SO17 1BJ UK