At 01:23 PM 4/11/97 -0400, you wrote: >DON'T BLAME YOUR BAD ENGLISH ON CANADA!!!! They have an odd combination of accents up there. They same some words correctly (like Yankees), some like the Brits, and some like Rebels. On to a joke (pardon the lack of PIC application here). Seems back quite a few years ago, they didn't have a name for that part of the continent. In trying to pick a name, the Frenchies wanted something romantic, but everybody else wanted a word that could be easily pronounced. The feuding in the parliament along language lines went on for months, until someone suggested, "Why don't we just draw letters from a hat, and use that?" Everyone was ecstatic. Here was a way that nobobody could be offended, and the word would be left to Providence. They sent a delegation to the Queen (in England) to get her approval, and she ok'd it with one provision. To prevent any more squabbling, the drawing would be witnessed by an American statesman, to guarantee objectivity. The day arrived, and the American ('merkin, for you Canadians ) had his long quill pen in hand. A Frenchie would draw a letter from a hat, and his English-speaking companion would read it to the others. The American would record the letters. The first was drawn. It was held up for all to see, and the man said, "C, eh?" The statesmen recorded it. The next was drawn. "N, eh?" This was recorded also. Another came out. "D, eh?" At this point, the Yank started jumping up and down. "THAT'S IT!" he shouted. The other two men looked at him funny. "C'est?" The American had written C-A-N-A-D-A on his paper. Andy PS. I have told this to several of my Canadian friends. They all went ROFL when I said "C, eh." If you don't get it, you've never heard a Canuck talk. ================================================================== Andy Kunz - Montana Design - 409 S 6th St - Phillipsburg, NJ 08865 Hardware & Software for Industry & R/C Hobbies "Go fast, turn right, and keep the wet side down!" ==================================================================