I have just downloaded the new version of MPLAB 3.22 and did a full install on win95 (and stupidly removed my previous version). I have set it for the correct processor and MPLAB/SIM mode. Whenever I try to open my test project I get an initial error message saying 'Error opening hex file' which then disappears - this may not be relevant. However, when I try to build or compile my test project I get a message box saying Status: file not found Command Line: c:\projects\test.asm Yet the 'test.asm' file is in the correct folder and did build ok with the previous version of MPLAB and will assemble if MPASMWIN is run directly. I have reinstalled MPLAB but still get the same result. It must be a simple setup error yet I cannot locate it. It could be that MPASM is not getting called from within MPLAB (MPASM has installed into the MPLAB folder). If anyone else has had a similar problem and knows what to do then please let me know. Many thanks email: s.ssystems@easynet.co.uk www : http://easyweb.easynet.co.uk/~s.ssystems Stephen H Alsop, JP, S&S Systems Ltd, Bretton Court Manor Road, Wales Village, Sheffield, S31 8PD, England. Tel: 01909 773399 * Fax: 01909 773645 * Mobile: 0973 305527