At 16:00 03/04/1997 +-100, you wrote: > >Some of the Speed controllers we use can handle MUCH more than 140 Amps = >peak, and certainly 40 to 80 AMPS continuous at 8.4 volts. The low RDS = >on needed is done by connecting several N-Channel FETs in parallel. Each = >FET has RDS on of about 0.04 ohms (BUZ11) to around 0.018 ohms (BUZ346). Best is today BUK9508-55 Rds_ON= 0.008. Diificult to obtain. Near is Motorola MTP75N03HDL Rds_ON=0.0075 at VGs = 10V, There is also International Rectifier, check their URL. Don't forget you will need a doubler/tripler to obtain the correct Vgs. There is also some thermal loss due to the reverse diode included into the package. Using an external "free-wheel" fast diode allows to decrease the temperature and then to increase the total conduction current at a raisonable temprature. > BTW the application is for remote control of a combat "robot" = >for robot >battles competitions. Good luck, Best regards, Philippe. Please don't send attachement with your message to the piclist. +---------------------------------------------------------+ | Virtual Micro Design | | Try the NEW microcontroller simulator | | E-Mail: | | WEB: | +---------------------------------------------------------+