At 07:49 PM 4/1/97 -0500, you wrote: > >You are making what they call in the R/C world an "Electronic Speed >Control" or "ESC." I sell them. Have any questions other than "how" that >you need answered? > >FWIW, I think controlling 2 motors with any kind of linearity based upon 2 >inputs is asking for a lot of extra work, if everything is done in >software. You really want to have 2 12C508's and do it that way. It's >cheaper too. > I've been looking around and can't find any info on a 12c508 IC. Got any pointers, the manufacturer, description etc... ??? I would be interested in ESC if I had a little more info on how they wor k, what kind of input, etc.. I would also need to find 2 that were resonably priced, 2 direction, and could handle about 40A CONTINUOUS!!! I have seen all these little boxes rated at 140A and I just cant see how they can handle that much current. Unless RDS ON = .00004? :) BTW the application is for remote control of a combat "robot" for robot battles competitions. Of course, if I use one of these with servo pulse inputs, I will have to make a servo driver for the autonomous parts of the "robot" (which of course, have not been done yet) :) Jason E. Brown Evil Robots Inc. 3821 Tacoma Ave. Chattanooga Tn, 37415