Hello! I am currently working on a project that incorporates a pic 16c74a. Unfortunately, not being a CS or EE major has made programming this microcontroller extremely hard. I have a simple program ready, but am clueless on how to then translate the ideas into machine code. If there is anyone that might have a free couple of minutes and could gi ve me an idea or two, please email me at dgangaw@wilkes.edu I am sure that this program would sound simple to those that have had experiance programming with these microcontrollers. Also, if anyone knows of a good archive where I might be able to get som e basic code, please let me know. Sorry to waste your bandwidth with this mess, but I am in need of this information for it may delay my graduation. Thanks... David R Gangaware Department of Materials and Mechanical Engineering Wilkes University dgangaw@wilkes.edu http://wilkes.edu/~dgangaw