In a message dated 97-03-27 10:35:07 EST, you write: << Andy, this is a question that deals with the PIC16C73A.(Having trouble getting e-mail to u. This is the only way I can reach you at this time..) I recall that you commented on the problem of UV erasing the PIC16C73A chips. I am having major problems with erasing this dog of a chip. After 2 hrs of UV exposure, all 10 of the chips will not erase. Any suggestions. ? Has Microchip ever acknowledged that there are problems erasinh their chips. ? I kinda suspect there are others like me wishing they had just stuck with anything other than the EPROM cerdip package. Thx Andy Evan Cranna >> Evan, I thought I would add my 2 cents worth, Several years ago I was learning the PIC1654JW and the PIC1655JW. I was having all kinds of problems just as you describe. After much disapointment and effort to find the problem I finally found it. It wasnt the eraser but my programmer. I had a Fred Eddy programmer (he published several articles in Electronics Now or Popular Electrinics etc.) I bought it because it was $49.00 in kit form. The ceapest one around back then. I found that If I inserted the chips into the programmer while the power was on, the chips would appear to have a few bits unerased. I switched to a Parallax programmer and all of my problems went away. Just an idea. You might be blaming the wrong piece of equipment. Dave Duley V.P. DreiTek Inc.