Harold Hallikainen wrote: On Wed, 26 Mar 1997 08:04:35 -0600 "Don D. Hiatt" writes: >(Sorry if you get this twice) > > Have you tried "Hypermail"? You can find it at: > > http://www.eit.com/software/hypermail/hypermail.html > And, does anyone know of anything that does the REVERSE, that is, a mail server that I can send requests to to get web documents mailed to me? I recall there being stuff like that for ftp access years ago for people using UUCP connections, but can't find them now. Harold I have downloaded the Hypermail Stuff, and compiled it. During inital testing it seems to work OK, and E-Mail addresses are NOT displayed. I will keep updates on the progress. Any ideas are greatly accepted. Alan Nickerson