Hi all, I have some question about 16C64 SPI module: # Initial condition: - At RESET the SSPSTAT.0 (bit BF) = 0 - then program the SSPCON for SPI MASTER MODE, SCK = FOsc/16, SSPCON = 0000 0001 - SCK, SDO, SDI pin port programmed to transmit and receive. # Unresolved questions: Q1: When start the SCK signal, is it always running ? or does it begin to clock just after writting SSPCON ? Q2: If SCK does not clock at the beginig, how to start the transmission ? as BF bit is still equal to "0" (Receive not complete, SSPBUF is empty) Q3: In order to transmit/receive continous data flow, we must read and write SSPBUF. To avoid collision, we must check BF bit. Every time the BF bit is set (data received and transfered into SSPBUF), does the SCK signal STOP to clock ? Thanks to help me, Best regards, Philippe. +--------------------------------------------------------+ | Virtual Micro Design | | | | E-Mail: p.techer@idls.izarbel.tm.fr | | URL: http://idls.izarbel.tm.fr/entp/techer/P01.HTM | +--------------------------------------------------------+