WHERE'S THE MONEY? IT'S IN BULK EMAIL!!! Let me show you. IF YOU CAN ANSWER "YES" TO THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS, THEN FAX ME @ 954-255-3713 WITH YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS, AND I WILL EMAIL YOU THE INFORMATION THAT WILL *********"SHOW YOU THE MONEY"************ 1) Would you like to reach millions of people with a sales letter, a message, an offer, ALL AT NO COST TO YOU? 2) Would you like to have on file, MILLIONS of possible customer names? FREE? 3) Are you interested in making money through advertising and mail order? AGAIN, IF ALL YOUR ANSWERS ARE YES, THEN FAX ME AT 954-255-3713 WITH YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS. I'LL EMAIL YOU THE INFORMATION, WITH MY PHONE NUMBER. *******THIS IS A "REAL" OPPORTUNITY"********* Josh.