Amm, Not too sure what you mean by this message but if I'm right then what you need to use is the stopwatch feature. This allows you to see in actual milliseconds how long something is taking. This combined with using breakpoints allows you to get acurate timings on various sections of your code depending on the speed you set the clock to in MPLAB eg 4MHz. Also if using the breakpoints correctly and timing a long section of code you may be better off not using animate. As Andy points out a few messages ago it really is very slow. (It has to be for you to see indivual instructions) Instead use straight run which is much faster. I've timed loops up to about 850ms in quite reasonable times (1/2 hr or so) (I think its very processor dependant. If you are actually interested in working out the speed in hertz of the processing I'd suggest using the stopwatch for a 100ms loop and physically timing how fast the computer processes it. You could then calculate its speed relative to 4Mhz and hence its overall speed. I'm sure others on the list would probably be interesed in these figures just to get an idea of how much time it should take to simulate long events. However I might add that I would think the computers efficiency would probably be different to that of the pic. I.e. I doubt very much if every instruction takes equal time on the PC to emulate. Probably very little in the difference though. (Microchip ?? ) I'd do this myself only at the moment I'm rushing to finish a project and I'm just after running into serious problems so time is of the essence.. I'd do this myself only at the moment I'm rushing to finish a project and I'm just after running into serious problems so time is of the essence.. If you'd like some timed loops to work on feel free to mail me.. David. On Sat, 5 Jan 1980, Ken Dougal wrote: > While running MPLab's "animate" debugging feature, I wondered how fast > it might be running. Would it be comparable to maybe a 100 Hz clock? > Any guestamates? Just trying to get an idea for how fast a 4Mhz clock > might be. > > Ken >