Hi, I had like to write and read from the EEPROM of the 16C84. I tried to write at 0x00, and it worked. I tried to do another write, next the first one, setting the WREN bit and then the WR bit, after modifying the EEADR and EEDATA files. I only got something writed on the second location! I took my first code back and decided to make a loop, incrementing the EEADR register and doing each time the whole thing: clrf temp loop set WREN bit write 55h to EECON2 write AAh to EECON2 set WR bit move temp --> EEADR set WR bit btfss temp,6 goto loop The only location that has been writed is location 63! Can anybody help me? Or is there any code I can get to make this work? Thanks in advance. -david