> Dwayne: > Have you actually TESTED the 19200 and 38400 baud versions? > Maybe I'm missing something, but it looks to me as though all > bits after the start bit will be sent at 9600 baud. > > -Andy I was about to reply: of course I've tested the code, then figured that I had better go back to the project that the routines were written for and check. As it turns out, the 3 routines were written because the end customer was not sure which data rate he wanted. He wound up using only the 9600 baud version. The other 2 were NOT tested and, as Andy pointed out, will NOT work properly. These routines have been sitting on the shelf for a long time and I forgot the circumstances. Andy - thanks pointing this out. To the others who may be trying to use the 19200 or 38400 routines: my appologies for wasting your time. I've got the corrected versions written and will be testing them today or tommorow. I'll repost as soon as I have verified their operation. Dwayne Reid Trinity Electronics Systems Ltd Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA (403) 489-3199 voice (403) 487-6397 fax