Hello all, I hope all is well on this perfect spring day !! My brother just recieved an EEPROM/MICROCONTROLLER programmer by the nam e of VARIX Omni-Programmer Model SP 0300. Does anyone have experience with this programmer ?? I have completed a web search on VARIX without success. I'm wondering what type of devices it can program and what type of software does it take ? It has 3 sockets, 24 pin, 28 pin and 48 pin. A DB-25 connector on the rear and a few LEDs on the front panel ( Power, Connected, Programming and Error ). The previous owner told me it is an old unit and he no longer has any of the software or docs. My intended use for it is to program PICs. Thanks for taking the time to read this post. ---------------------- James and Iliana James: Automotive Technician Electronics Hobbyist Iliana: Software Engineer Austin, Texas ----------------------